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Statement of Responsibility for Total Quality Management

The following document defines the responsibilities of ALL Malta Business School (MBS) employees in helping to promote the concept of Total Quality in their daily activities as well as in their activities which influence short, medium and long term actions and strategies in the execution of MBS business activities.


Definition of Quality and Reliability

Malta Business School adopts the belief that Quality is defined as ‘fitness for use’. MBS also believes that the primary entity which can define Fitness for Use and therefore Quality is the customer, within any guidelines set by contractual and regulatory requirements. Thus, fitness for use and therefore Quality, for MBS, is defined as the constant provision of the contracted service that the customer expects and within the applicable contractual and regulatory requirements. To this MBS adds also the concept of Reliability which is defined as Quality over time.

MBS is thus committed to providing Constant Quality over Time as defined above.


Responsibility for Quality and Reliability

Malta Business School believes that there can be no other way than the practice of Total Quality. This concept is underpinned by the following principles:

  • Management is fully committed to the delivery of a Quality product and Service
  • Decisions taken by Management must never compromise Quality
  • Everyone is responsible for Quality in MBS
  • Quality must also be reliable over time
  • Doing things right the first time
  • Prompt admission of mistakes and swift reactions


Tools for Ensuring a Quality Product and Service

The primary tool in ensuring a Quality product and Service is the Quality Management System and the separate processes and policies contained therein. The primary requirement is the faithful and correct execution of the processes contained in the QMS. Additional critical tools are:

  • The concept of a process approach: input -> process -> output
  • The Plan, Do, Check, Act process cycle
  • The constant evaluation and mitigation of Risk
  • Swift Corrective and reasonable and timely Preventive actions
  • Treating employees in the same way that Management expects them to treat customers