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Congratulations to all of our graduates!

On behalf of Malta Business School, we would like to congratulate all those who graduated on Friday, 7th December 2018. Each and every student has left a mark on MBS, and for that, we are incredibly grateful.

The graduation ceremony celebrated the accomplishments of 25 students for the Level 5 Diploma in Management and the Level 5 Extended Diploma in Management. We were also pleased to reward five students who have shown outstanding work and dedication throughout their studies. These were Naomi Attard, John Paul Fenech, Ritienne Giorgino, Oriana Mifsud Akila and Eric Camilleri.

During the students’ speech, Naomi Attard delivered a very motivational speech that the audience appreciated which included some life lessons. In her speech, she highlights that we must challenge ourselves to be the best that we can be. In order to be the best, one must not be afraid to make mistakes. Finally, in order to succeed in life, one must be tough, but always remember to be kind.

Lorenzo Mulè Stagno, Dean of Malta Business School applauded all of the graduates who have to juggle work and studies throughout the academic period. Despite the fact that qualifications are important, Lorenzo put into focus the fact that students at Malta Business School can enjoy an academic journey that provides them with an enhanced network system, which can last a lifetime. Moreover, Lorenzo urged the graduates to continue learning and continue Applying Knowledge for Success.

The ATHE Level 5 Diploma & Extended Diploma in Management is a Maltese and UK accredited programme designed for learners who are seeking to enhance their job prospects in a range of industries and functions. The programme aims to develop key management skills which include a core selection of fundamental management subjects such as Human Resources, Finance and Communications.

Short Courses

Our short courses offer both individuals and employee teams the opportunity to efficiently boost their skills and update their knowledge in manageable, bite-size course formats. Our wide range of courses spans from highly technical topics to more personal, mind-set related ones.


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