Your ideas to slow down in Malta

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  • Tutor
  • #27624
    Andrew Carte

    Hello again everyone.
    In session 1 we did some reading about the Slow movement in three different cities. We were going to finish off by sharing some ideas about how we could apply some of the criteria from the Cittaslow movement in Malta.
    As we are a rather big group, giving everyone and opportunity to speak and share their ideas would take a lot of time. So, I’ve decided to do this as a Forum discussion.
    What ideas do you have to slow down life in Malta? Choose one criteria from the Cittaslow list and briefly write a short text (110 – 250 words) explaining your idea. You might want to include a little bit of background information, then add your idea, say why you think this will be good and what kind of impact or change you think it will have.
    I’ll post my idea as an example.
    ‘Reply’ to this thread in the forum and add your idea.
    Read, comment, like or add to the ideas of other people.
    This will be some good brainstorming and will be a really useful start to thinking about your assessments.

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