Saturday 9 November

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  • #32363
    Andrew Carte

    Dear all

    Just wanted to take a little time to wish you all the best of luck for your first presentations on Saturday. As I said to you all before we closed the session on Wednesday, you all speak up, speak confidently and enjoy taking part in our sessions, so please don’t let the ‘nerves’ take over. Relax, breath and I have faith in you.
    A little preparation.

    Thank you to the groups who have already uploaded their PowerPoint slides and the Presentation outline. For those who haven’t done so yet (you know who you are), please make sure to upload these before 12 midday tomorrow (Friday 8 November). Please upload the PowerPoint slides and not the Pdf version. I will be pre-loading these on the MBS laptop and testing them tomorrow afternoon. An external speaker will also be available for those of you who might need it. Please copy and paste this BBM08-M1.7-GroupNumber-Presentation when you re-name your PowerPoint and the outline document. Do not change anything or add anything or have any spaces. Just remember that the two uploads must be done by different people in your group.
    Please make sure to communicate with your class reps (Michael & Jurgen) so they can send me the order that the groups will be presenting in.

    The room will be open from 08.30 on Saturday if you want to come early to have a coffee, chat with your group or test the laptop. We will be starting at 09.00 sharp, I will quickly set up an observation task for you to complete while you watch the other groups. This is done for two reasons. Firstly, it helps you focus on seeing good points from a presentation when you see it being done by others. Secondly, It keeps you concentrating on something else and not worrying about you own presentation. After all the groups have finished, we will spend whatever time we have left giving positive peer feedback. I will also give general feedback to groups and to the whole group. This is so you can take this with you and keep it in mind when you’re preparing your next presentation.

    I have looked at some of the slides already, listened to some of your discussions in your groups yesterday and am really looking forward to listening to you all. I’m sure I am going to learn a lot.

    See you all on Saturday.

    Best wishes,

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