Esmiron SciclunaEsmiron Scicluna

Promote Accessible Transportation & Prevent air pollution

Malta has a population of over 563,000 (NSO Malta, July 2024) and more than 438,000 cars on the roads (Newsbook, February 2024). Despite 2023 being the first full year of free public transport, there was still a record increase of over 13,000 new vehicle registrations compared to the previous year (Newsbook, February 2024). This shows that free public transport isn’t a complete solution to reducing the number of cars on the roads. I strongly believe that to encourage use of public transport, significant changes are necessary, particularly in increasing bus frequency and expanding routes.

Additionally, I believe that another effective way to reduce traffic and air pollution is for the Government to enforce remote working where possible. During the Covid-19 pandemic Malta saw a substantial decrease in traffic, which led to improvements in air quality. Studies found that nitrogen dioxide (NO2) levels, mainly produced by vehicles dropped by over 50% in congested areas. Obviously this is because many people were working from home. For example, Msida experienced 52% reduction and Zejtun saw a 57% decrease (Lovin Malta, January 2021).

It’s unfortunate that the younger generation are leaving our beautiful island due to these issues and because they are looking for a better quality of life. However, I remain hopeful that with the right changes, we can reduce the number of cars on the road, leading to less traffic and a better environment that we all can enjoy.