Teodora ZarevaTeodora Zareva

The environmental atmosphere – Malta.

Not too long ago I found myself wondering where in the world I could move, one of my top choices was Malta. I was thinking this is not just about the location or about the climate but it’s also about the quality of life and the cost of living I want to have. These factors, mattered to me a lot, but not only, I have also took into consideration the environmental condition of the country. By making some researches about the environmental situation in Malta and comparing it to another countries over the world, like America, where the people breath the polluted and unhealthy air every day I realised that I’m taking the proper decision to move in Malta. The island currently has pretty good environmental atmosphere.
When it comes to the subject – slow movement in Malta, there are a few things that can be changed for the sake of improvement, for example – avoiding any pollution, I think the increasing of the bike lanes would strongly contribute for that.
All the people living in Malta are aware of the small amount of bike lanes that the island has. The consequence of the small amount of the bike lanes in Malta is using of vehicles that produce emission. We are all familiar how much gasoline is burned into the atmosphere and how this fact brings to enormous quantity of carbon emission that stimulate the pollution. Increasing the bike lanes will definitely allow people to start riding their bikes more often than their other vehicles like cars, motorcycles, practically all of the vehicles that produce emission and carbon dioxide.
Given the fact how unique is the Mediterranean climate in Malta and how long is the sunshine per year, this will allow the bicycling to be effective as possible. In other words the increasing of the bike lanes will allow the people to get much more advantages of the wonderful Maltese climate. Stepping off the gas and go to the bike pedals can contribute not only for all of the above usefulness, it can also certainly reduce people’s expenses on fuel and to get good their health.